Namangan Square

Construction progress of Namangan Square residential complex

In the construction of Namangan Square houses, Mesa tunnel formwork is used — this is a set of special equipment that is used for concrete tunnel bays and other structures based on them. Using formwork elements, borders can be set. Subsequently, this form is filled with concrete. After the solidification of the mass, the formwork is dismantled and a finished structure is obtained.

Benefits of this method:

— ability to complete all necessary construction work;
— guarantee of obtaining perfect accuracy;
— excellent quality of the finished structure;
— improving such characteristics as solidity, integrity, reliability.

Construction progress of Namangan Square residential complex
Period: 06/14/20 — 06/19/20

✔️ Formwork for shear walls for basement in block A02
✔️ Rebar work for shear walls first floor in block A03
✔️ Formwork removal from basement block A03
✔️ Excavation work for boulevard entrance

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